Ägypten: Muslimbruderschaft beginnt internationale PR-Offensive

Ägypten: Muslimbruderschaft beginnt internationale PR-Offensive

Nachdem das Komitee der Revolutionären Jugend für den 15. April 2011 zu einem Millionenmarsch auf Mubaraks Villa in Sharm-El Sheik aufgerufen hatte und Hunderttausende am Tahrirplatz die Ablösung von Militärratschef Tantawi mit der Parole „Mubarak ist Tantawi, Tantawi ist Mubarak“gefordert hatten, wurden nun um den Protest die Spitze zu nehmen, Mubarak und seine Söhne in vorauseilendem Gehorsam verhaftet und sollen vor ein Gericht gestellt werden. Gleichzeitig wurde Mubaraks Einheitspartei NDP verboten. Mit diesem Bauernopfer versucht sich Militärchef Tantawi aus dem Zentrum des Protestes zu bringen.Interessant ist die Reaktion der Muslimbruderschaft auf die Verhaftung Mubaraks. Zwar stellt sie sich einem Gerichtsverfahren nicht in den Weg, befürwortet dies, nimmt aber nun nicht Militärchef Tantawi ins Visier, sondern betont–unter Zitierung der Foreign Policy und Nutzung dieser als Quelle für die eigene Position–, dass solch ein Schauprozess und selbst die Konfiszierung des Vermögens des Mubarakclans richtigerweise die dringenden Probleme der ägyptischen Gesellschaft nicht lösen wird, die die Muslimbruderschaft korrekterweise in der sozialen Frage und der grassierenden Armut lokalisiert.In dem programmatischen Artikel „Mubarak´s Trial will not feed Egyptinas“auf ihrer Ikhwan-Website wirft die Muslimbruderschaft–die Foreign Policy zitierend- quasimarxistisch der demokratischen Opposition vor aufgrund ihres Klasseninteresses sich vor allem um politische und juristische Fragen, nicht aber um ökonomische oder soziale Fragen zu kümmern.Als Stärke der Muslimbruderschaft wird das breite Netzwerk an sozialen Institutionen der MB gerühmt, das den fehlenden Sozialstaat in Ägypten bisher ersetzt hat und sich um die Armen der Gesellschaft gekümmert hat. Die Muslimbruderschaft propagiert ökonomische und soziale Entwicklung, die wichtiger sei als die politische Form,etwa eine Demokratie oder Tyrannei. Implizit fordert sie scheinbar sogar eine Art Entwicklungsdikatur, womöglich unter ihrer eigenen politischen Ägide .In der Betonung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung  könnte sie sich vielleicht auch mit Tantawi und anderen Militärs treffen, die ebenso eine Entwicklungsdikatur ala Südkorea oder ähnlichem anvisieren könnten und die Muslimbruderschaft tolerieren könnten wie die türkischen Militärs die AKP.Die Gefahr besteht also,dass die säkular-demokratische Opposition von einer Allianz Militär-Muslimbruderschaft ausmanövriert wird.

Foreign Policy: Mubarak’s Trial Will not Feed Egyptians

Despite the fact that Hosni Mubarak deserves to be on trial, the Egyptian people cannot eat transitional justice, the daily Foreign Policy said in one of its article.


Wednesday, April 20,2011 18:42



Despite the fact that Hosni Mubarak deserves to be on trial, the Egyptian people cannot eat transitional justice, the daily Foreign Policy said in one of its article.

But it remains to be seen whether considering the alleviation of poverty as much of a priority, the writer said, indicating that middle-class activists have their own class interests and focusing on political actions, which do not necessarily coincide with those of the poor.

The under examined heart of the matter is this: The most relevant fact for the majority of the inhabitants of countries like Egypt and Tunisia is not that they have been governed by tyrants but that they live in crushing poverty. Abolishing Mubarak’s party, confiscating its funds, and even putting him, his sons, and his cronies on trial will literally do nothing to alleviate this.

But such a progression is anything but dependable, and unless democratic change is succeeded very quickly by palpable economic improvement for the poor, the fall of the tyrant will be cold comfort indeed for the majority of Egyptians.

Economists will tell you that democracy is quick, but development takes time. The problem is that there is no time, and those who fret about the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, despite the fact that the organization was a latecomer to the anti-Mubarak surge, should remember that one of the principal reasons that the Brotherhood commands the loyalty of so many poor Egyptians is due to the fact that it has consistently provided many of the social services that the state failed to provide.

So far, at least, the rhetoric of the pro-democracy groups has been heavily focused on politics, including, centrally, the issues of justice and accountability, while remaining rather light on questions of economic development.

In Peter Brook’s staging of Marat/Sade, the only truly great modern play about the revolution, there is the line: „The revolution came and went and unrest was replaced by discontent.“ If the Arab democracy activists and those who are trying to support them do not modify their approach radically — that is to say, put jobs and health care at its centre, attaching at least as much importance to these as political reform and justice, the same fate almost surely awaits the Arab Spring”.



Gleichzeitig will sie oder kann sie noch nicht im nächsten Wahlkampf dominierend auftreten und fühlt sich selbst scheinbar noch nicht stark genug : die 40% Parlamentssitze, die sie erhofft scheint der Muslimbruderschaft nicht genug,um ihr eigentliches Programm durchzusetzen–was zeigt, dass sie die absolute Herrschaft will–vielleicht hofft sie aber auch auf ein Wahlsytem ala Türkei, bei dem die AKP mit 36% der Stimmen aufgrund der 10-Prozenthürde für andere Parteien 60% der Parlamentsitze erhält–zu beobachten bleibt somit auch das neue Wahlrecht in Ägypten. Noch scheint der Muslimbruderschaft das politische Umfeld als noch zu feindlich, die Rolle des Militärs und die Durchsetzungskraft der säkularen Opposition noch zu ungewiss, die Bedingungen für eine eigene Machtübernahme als noch zu instabil — daher kündigt sie vorerst an:


MB Chairman: We Seek to Participate, not Dominate Elections

“Participation not domination”, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mohamed Badie addressed a crowd in Damanhur reassuring the people that the MB group was from the people ,with the people and for the people.


Wednesday, April 20,2011 12:56



“Participation not domination”, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Mohamed Badie addressed a crowd in Damanhur reassuring the people that the MB group was from the people ,with the people and for the people.

During his speech Badie asserted that the MB will maintain its principle including the notion that the movement is an Islamic movement. He hoped now that in light of the newly found freedom the MB will be able to reach its full potential and demonstrate that it is a moderate and tolerant group promoting equality for all regardless of religion, colour and creed while keeping its Islamic identity and integrating moderate Islam in all aspect of life.

On the Brotherhood’s political party he responded that the MB has had the necessary papers prepared to establish its party however refrained from applying during the reign of the ousted President Mubarak. He added once it was appropriate the MB announced that it would form the Freedom and Justice party which was for all of Egypt to serve all Egyptians, stating that the party would keep its Islamic identity and its agenda was available for all to see.

He detailed that the party’s founder and co-founders were chosen carefully and included both Muslims and Copts from different governorates. He promised that Egypt would witness a party which practiced politics sophisticatedly similar to the practices of the MB parliamentarians who worked for the interest of the country away from personal interests and benefits.

Badie explained that the MB will initiate the establishment of institutions specializing in all areas including theater and sports, noting that it has in fact established both medical and educational institutions. He added that the MB has called for the emergence of a TV channel representing  the Brotherhood, called „Egypt 25“ and  a MB newspaper.

With regards to the state and the MB outlook Badie reiterated that the MB always has and always will call for a civil state based on Islamic references.

He ended his address telling the people that the MB will participate in the union elections however no clear decision has been made by the group’s Shura council regarding the parliamentary elections. He asserted however that regarding any elections the MB seeks participation not domination.


Die Muslimbruderschaft möchte scheinbar erst einmal ein gemässigtes Profil und Image bekommen, um problemlos als „Freedom and Justice Party“genehmigt zu werden und zugleich die Erlaubnis für einen eigenen Fernsehkanal und eine eigene Zeitung zu erhalten, um besser agitieren zu können.

Dabei will sie sich als ägyptische AKP nach türkischem Vorbild darstellen, die nicht dem iranischen Modell folgen möchte und versucht nun auch aussenpolitisch Anerkennung in den USA zu gewinnen. So fordert die Muslimbruderschaft den US-Kongress auf ein Hearing mit Vertretern der Muslimbruderschaft abzuhalten, bei dem sich die Kongressmitglieder selbst und direkt ein Bild von der Muslimbruderschaft machen können:


Dr. Morsy Calls on US Congress to Hold a Session with the MB

Dr. Mohamed Morsy, media spokesman and member of the Executive Bureau of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) demanded that US Congress hold a special session to hear directly from the MB about their programs as Congress held a session recently with the MB.


Tuesday, April 19,2011 16:06



Dr. Mohamed Morsy, media spokesman and member of the Executive Bureau of the Muslim Brotherhood(MB) demanded that US Congress hold a special session to hear directly from the MB about their programs as Congress held a session recently with the MB.

Dr. Morsy stated on Al Jazeera Satellite Channel that US fears of the MB are unfounded. He rejected the intervention of the US in Middle Eastern affairs and accused it of seeking to dominate the region for the exploitation of its raw materials, especially oil, and to make the Arab markets promote its products, especially since the real development of Egypt is definitely against American interests.

Dr. Gamal Abdel Gawad, an expert on international relations at Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, ruled out the possibility that Egypt will be similar to the Iranian model of governance, saying: „Egypt is like Turkey in terms of its relations with the US and the Zionist entity.”

Dr. Abdel-Gawad added that America will not find it difficult to cope with the Freedom and Justice party, representatives of the MB, or any other Islamic forces in parliament or in government, in light of what the MB are submitting, which seeks national economic political and social harmony.


Hauptziel ist die Perzeption der Muslimbruderschaft von westlichen Staaten zu ändern und diese vom Islamistenvorwurf zu befreien. So kritisierte ein Londoner Think Tank einen anvisierten Besuch von britischen Regierungsvertretern bei der Muslimbruderschaft in Ägypten.Für die Muslimbruderschaft hat damit der Kampf um die internationale Wahrnehmung ihrer Organisation und künftigen Partei begonnen.


Perceptions of the MB – An International Struggle

A London-based counter-extremism think tank has leveled criticism at the British government over its intention to officially visit Muslim Brother headquarters in Egypt .


Wednesday, April 20,2011 13:22



A London-based counter-extremism think tank has leveled criticism at the British government over its intention to officially visit Muslim Brother headquarters in Egypt .

Amid growing concern over liaising with Islamist groups, including the MB, a former CIA official has issued a warning that the MB will use power to discard the treaty with Israel . As Israel is the US ’s major ally in the region this warning has been heeded.

The recent referendum in Egypt served to strengthen the Muslim Brotherhood and it is now in the best political position in Egypt .

The recent referendum brought about significant constitutional changes that have enabled elections to take place in the next six months.

It is believed that the MB may obtain up to 40% of seats in parliament, making it the largest representative in government.

The MB’s greatest effect will be seen if other opposition groups band together with it. Regardless, the US and Israel feel they would be targets of any MB power gain, despite the continued statements issued by the MB that it is committed to the formation of a civil society based on social justice and that it will honor international treaties made by the former regime.

The US and Israel are afraid the MB will seek to demonize Israel, even though Israel’s well-known military reactions and excessive use of force against Palestinians, particularly in the Gaza Strip, are well-documented.

In a fearful reaction to the MB’s legitimate growth and increasing power, Israel is concerned that Egypt , under the influence of the MB, will call for a review of the treaty with Israel .

As American funding flows to Israel due to this treaty, Israel is genuinely worried.

The MB is well-known for advocating democracy and non-violence; however, their support for Hamas constitutes a threat to Israel which is becoming increasingly nervous with the changes happening throughout the region.

The US and Israel can not allow themselves to believe that the MB is willing and able to engage in politics and be a stabilizing element in Egypt without the use of violence,even though the MB’s behavior during the January 25th Revolution was exemplary.

If the MB secretly harbored the desire the use violence, the revolution would have been the best time to lash out.

The Muslim Brotherhood does not apologize for its commitment to Islamic values and ethics and its desire to build their nation on a high level of civilization while uniting Muslims on mercy and piety.

The Muslim Brotherhood has formed a new political party called the Freedom and Justice party in response to the changes in the country after the January 25th Revolution.

The MB led the way throughout the turbulent years of Mubarak’s regime, working with opposition forces and organizing charity work, support and advocacy for the Egyptian population.

There are newly-emerging political groups in Egypt ’s now open political arena but the MB has a distinguished legacy of respect within Egyptian society and noted determination to advocate for Egypt ’s best interests.

Unfounded US fears that the MB is modeling itself on Iran has led the US to be concerned that the group will dismantle the 1979 peace treaty with Israel and oppose US interests in the Middle East. This is so, despite the fact that the Brotherhood has consistently shown itself as a moderate Islamic force.

By forming the new Freedom and Justice party, the MB is showing that it does not fear complying with the country’s rules and in doing so it has legitimately entrenched itself in Egypt’s political arena.


Der internationale PR-Kampf der Muslimbruderschaft hat also somit gerade erst begonnen. Bezeichnend ist, dass die deutsche Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung eine Kooperation mit der Muslimbruderschaftsabspaltung WASAT eingegangen ist, da sie der Muslimbruderschaft scheinbar immer noch nicht über den Weg traut. Aber wichtig ist für die Muslimbruderschaft erst einmal die Imagekampgane in den anglosächsischen Ländern USA und Grossbritannien.Deutschland spielt hier noch eine untergeordnete Rolle. Aber früher oder später wird die Diskussion um die Muslimbruderschaft als neue AKP Ägyptens auch in Deutschland kommen. In Golineh Atai haben die Muslimbrüder in Deutschland ja eine liberale Fürsprecherin und abzuwarten bleibt, wie sich Henrik M.Broders alter ego Hamed Abdel Samad von „Entweder Broder“, ein ehemaliger Muslimbruder und Autor des Buches „Der Untergang der islamischen Welt“, dazu äussern wird.Bisher blieb er in Talkshows sehr ambivalent. Auf der einen Seite gestand er den Muslimbrüdern  Moderiertheit, einen neuen Pluralismus und ein Umdenken zu, auf der anderen fragte er aber auch richtigerwiese, ob dies nicht alles Tarnung sei. Mal sehen, wie standhaft Herr Samad bei sich ändernden Zeitgeist bleibt, denn: Inzwischen hat auch Frankreichs Aussenminster Alain Juppe zu einem Dialog mit den islamistischen Bewegungen im Nahen Osten, inklusive den Muslimbrüdern aufgerufen, was begeistert von dieser aufgenommen wird–wennglich sie betont, dass dies ein Dialog ohne Vorbedingungen sein soll:

MB welcomes dialogue with the West without preconditions

The Muslim Brotherhood is open to talking with Western governments, without preconditions, especially after French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe asserted his country’s readiness for an open dialogue with Islamist movements in the Arab world if they embraced democracy and renounced violence.

Friday, April 22,2011 09:39

The Muslim Brotherhood is open to talking with Western governments, without preconditions, especially after French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe asserted his country’s readiness for an open dialogue with Islamist movements in the Arab world if they embraced democracy and renounced violence. Explaining the policy shift, Juppe said France had been duped by leaders who demonised Muslim movements and used them as a scarecrow to consolidate its grip on power.

It reveals a strong indication that the statement marked a radical shift in the West’s policy on the Islamists after they failed to exclude them. The policy change — which breaks with a precedent of supporting Western-friendly Arab leaders as a bulwark against Islamic extremism suggests they want to form early ties with political groups that could take up power in some Middle East states once the dust settles from political upheaval.

Dr. Essam Al-Erian, a member of the MB Executive bureau and the media spokesman of the MB, has ascertained that Western countries have long held an apprehensive view of popular Islamic movements partly as a result of warnings by government leaders in countries where those movements have taken root. He explained that Western governments are in need of a new approach toward the region as a whole, and they must adopt a different policy.

In a comment to the daily „Al-Mesryoon“, Al-Arian hailed the French minister’s invitation for initiating talks, saying Islam calls for and the Brothers welcome it without preconditions.

Prominent Muslim Brotherhood figure Kamal el-Helbawy has expressed his happiness on the Western’s discarding of false accusations of the Muslim movements, especially France, which used to speak about Islamophobia, describing it as a good initiative.

MB leader Hamdy Hassan has stressed that the MB encourages open dialogue with all forces, both at home and abroad. The Western countries have long backed authoritarian regimes, he said, considering that the invitation to open the door for dialogue is a welcome effort to repair dire policies. He also stressed that the situation after the January 25 revolution has dramatically changed and the dialogue should not be negotiating in order to gain favour with the West, through making concessions if Islamists come to power. The dialogue should be an attempt for a mutual understanding among the parties towards certain issues.

Hassan denied the Brothers seek to get recognition of Western elites and gain their trust as the MB derives its legitimacy form the people stressing the group has become the biggest opposition force in Egypt and takes a stand position on minorities and women known to all and will not change its position.

France was long seen as a friend to Arab peoples due to its criticism of Israeli policy under the late President Charles de Gaulle, the sheltering of late Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat and opposition to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. France has since dispensed with this image.

The current President Sarkozy has been an open supporter of Israel and took a so-called „pragmatic“ position with regard to autocratic Arab leaders like deposed Tunisian president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, who was often described in France as a moderate reformer. France’s new diplomatic tone suggests Sarkozy is favouring democratic aspirations — and the hope of forming ties with a new generation of Arab leaders — over stability.

„The fact we favoured stability brought by authoritarian regimes turned out not to be a good option because in the end, the stability disappeared,“ a French diplomat said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

„Alain Juppe is indeed trying to rebuild a positive image of France in the Arab world and in the hearts and minds of Arabs everywhere,“ said Pascal Boniface, a researcher at the Institute of International and Strategic Relations.

We are willing to talk to everyone,“ Juppe told a group of journalists in Paris. „Let us speak to everyone, let us speak to the Muslim Brotherhood.“

Western countries including France have long held a suspicious view of popular Islamic movements like the Muslim Brotherhood, which traces its roots to Islamist ideology born in Egypt — partly as a result of warnings by government leaders in countries where those movements have taken root.

„We believed them and now we can see the result,“ Juppe said, referring to the slowness of France’s reaction to budding popular revolts in Tunisia and Egypt.


Wir werden uns in der nächsten Zeit also darauf einstellen können, dass von US-, britischer und französischer Seite gehäuft Berichte kommen werden, was für nette Menschen die Muslimbrüder doch eigentlich sind und dies wird auch auf die Diskussion in Deutschland ausstrahlen. Der Säkularismus wird hier vermeintlich realpolitischen Machtinteressen geopfert.

(Lesetip: Die Artikel im Global Review-Archiv

Wider die Verharmlosung der Muslimbruderschaft

Kampf der Muslimbruderschaft-Wasat als Alternative?)

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