Chinas Weg zum digitalen Totalitarismus–nun auch rote Eugenik?

Chinas Weg zum digitalen Totalitarismus–nun auch rote Eugenik?

Chinas Weg zu einem neuen, diesmal digitalen Totalitarismus scheint sich abzuzeichnen. Beim 19. Parteitag wurde nun die Amtszeit Xi Jinpings potentiell auf Lebenszeit verlängert. Nachdem die Xi-Jinpinggedanken zuerst in die Parteiverfassung der KP China aufgenommen wurden, so nun in die Verfassung der VR China. Sie erhalten damit einen Status wie die Maozedong-Gedanken und sind nicht mehr kritisierbar, jegliche Kritik an Xi Jinping wird damit schon im Keim erstickt, auch seitens KP-Mitgliedern. Xi wird sankrosant. Die Einparteienherrschaft ist wieder auf dem besten Wege eine Ein-Mann-Herrschaft zu werden. Vorbei die Zeiten, als die Amtszeit beschränkt war und sich die Führer der KP China in die kollektive Führung einordneten und auf einen Personenkult weitgehend verzichteten.

Gleichzeitig wurde ein Strafgesetz erlassen, das die Relativierung von Nationalhelden mit drakonischen Strafen ahndet. Zudem soll ein soziales Boni-System errichtet werden, das Punkte vergibt nach der Lebensführung, die auch den Umgang mit anderen Menschen in der analogen und digitalen Welt, u.a. der sozialen Medien einschließt. Gleichzeitig wird ein Videosystem der Totalüberwachung namens „Scharfes Auge“landesweit installiert, um die Chinesen auch in ihren vier Wänden überwachen zu können, das zudem mit dem sozialen Bonussystem verknüpft werden soll. So berichtet Radio Free Asia:

China Aims for Near-Total Surveillance, Including in People´s Home

„By 2020, China will have completed its nationwide facial recognition and surveillance network, achieving near-total surveillance of urban residents, including in their homes via smart TVs and smartphones.

According to the official Legal Daily newspaper, the 13th Five Year Plan requires 100 percent surveillance and facial recognition coverage and total unification of its existing databases across the country.

Authorities in the southwestern province of Sichuan reported in December that they had completed the installation of more than 40,000 surveillance cameras across more than 14,000 villages as part of the „Sharp Eyes“ nationwide surveillance network, the paper said.

Guangdong-based Bell New Vision Co. is developing the nationwide „Sharp Eyes“ platform that can link up public surveillance cameras and those installed in smart devices in the home, to a nationwide network for viewing in real time by anyone who is given access.

„Sharp Eyes“ comes from a ruling Chinese Communist Party slogan, „the people have sharp eyes,“ which traditionally relied on the eyes and ears of local neighborhood committees to keep tabs on what its people were up to.

Soon, police and other officials will be able to monitor people’s activities in their own homes, wherever there is an internet-connected camera. (…)

‚Social credit‘ system

The Sharp Eyes system will be implemented in tandem with a „social credit“ system that makes simple actions like buying a train ticket subject to sufficient social credit.

Under a pilot social credit scheme, people who are considered to be „troublemakers“ by the authorities, including those who have tried fare-dodging, smoked on public transport, caused trouble on commercial flights or „spread false information“ online will now be prevented from buying train tickets, the government announced earlier this month.

Employers who fail to pay social insurance or people who have failed to pay fines will also be on the restricted list, which takes effect on May 1.

The administration of President’s Xi Jinping is currently building a social credit system allowing government bodies to share information on its citizens’ trustworthiness and assign a „social credit score“ to citizens.

In early 2017, the country’s Supreme People’s Court said that 6.15 million Chinese citizens had been banned from taking flights for social misdeeds, Reuters reported.

Reported by Qiao Long for RFA’s Mandarin Service. Translated and edited by Luisetta Mudie.

Die Machtkonzentration nach innen soll wohl die Außenexpansion China s nach außen durchschlagskräftiger machen, vor allem deren Jahrhundertmegaprojekt die Neue Seidenstrasse, für die man nun meint alle Kräfte bündeln zu müssen. So hat jetzt die KP China beschlossen einen Megapropagandasender namens „Stimme Chinas“/“Voice of China“ zu gründen, dem das Staatsfernsehen, das Staatsradio sowie andere Medien unter Führung des Staatsrats unterstellt werden:

„Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a plan on deepening the reform of the Party and state institutions. The plan includes the creation of a new central radio and television network that will be known under the name “Voice of China.” It is the combination of China Central Television (including China Global Television Network), China National Radio, and China Radio International, and it will serve as an institution directly under the State Council.

“Central Radio and Television Network has centralized the rich resources and influence of China Central Television, China National Radio, and China Radio International. It will give full play to their respective strengths and leverage their advantages,” Central Kitchen, the media hub of People’s Daily, commented.“

Die zunehmende Machtkonzentratzion soll zum einen dazu dienen, die zunehmenden sozialen Spannungen in China unter Kontrolle zu halten, eventuelle Opposition innerhalb und außerhalb der Partei Massenproteste schon im Keim zu ersticken, wie auch Chinas Außenexpansion und seinen „friedlichen Auftsieg“zur Weltmacht abzusichern.

Soweit scheint noch eine gewisse rationale Logik bei dieser Errichtung des neuen chinesischen Totalitarismus. Dennoch scheint es schon erste ideologische Grenzüberschreitungen zu geben. So inserierte nun eine chinesische Samenbank eines großen Pekinger Krankenhauses, dass man nur Samenspender, die loyal zur KP China stehen, nehmen wolle. Kommentatoren fragen sich nun, ob sich nun vor allem nur KP-loyale Mneschen vermehren sollen oder ob es inzwischen schon parteitreue Mediziner gibt, die ernsthaft glauben, dass Parteitreue von den Genen und „patriotischen Spermen“ erzeugt werde und es sich um eine Art irrationale, ideologiegetriebene rote Eugenik handelt, die die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft leugnet. So ist zu lesen:

„Chinese Sperm Bank Seeks Donors „Loyal to the Communist Party“

Sperm donors in Beijing should „love socialism and the motherland, and uphold the leadership of the [ruling] Chinese Communist Party,“ according to a recent hospital advertisement.

The requirements are „top of the list“ for attributes required for successful donation of sperm, according to the No. 3 Peking University Hospital, which wants to „improve … [and] optimize“ those applying to become donors.

Applicants should be under 20 years of age, resident in Beijing, and „be of the highest ideological quality,“ the ad said.

„They should passionately love the motherland and socialism, uphold the leadership of the Communist Party, and be sincerely loyal to the work of the party,“ it said.

„They should have no political issues [in their background] … should adhere to the standards of meritocracy in terms of both talent and morality, and undergo a full suite of physical examinations and related inspection methods,“ it said.

Those who feel they are able to meet these requirements should sign up at the Peking University No. 3 Hospital’s sperm bank before May 23, the ad said.

„Subsidy“ payments of up to 5,500 yuan (U.S. $870) will be available to those who complete the donation process, it said.

Yu Xuedong, medical affairs manager at the sperm bank, declined to elaborate on the language used in the advertisement when contacted by RFA on Friday, saying only that the sperm bank would test applicants using its own procedures.

„There will be an application process to go through once you get here, so even though the ad says this, there is still an application to go through to see if [the requirements in the ad] are indeed the case,“ he said.

Asked if the sperm bank plans to test applicants‘ political suitability, Yu replied: „That I don’t know … this isn’t the most important thing; what’s important is that we have to comply with national standards.“

„If there is anything else, may I suggest you contact our propaganda department?“ he said.

Patriotic sperm

Amid an uproarious reaction on China’s tightly controlled internet on Friday, the hospital quietly removed the political requirements from its recruitment ad.

While the language of the ad appears carefully designed to sound like a staff recruitment process rather than a eugenics project, commentators were quick to ridicule to the notion that ideology can be handed down via DNA to the next generation, with memes like „red sperm“ and „patriotism starts with your sperm“ making the rounds on social media.

A nurse surnamed Shao at a hospital in the central province of Hunan said she found the advertisement funny.

„I saw the ad. I thought it was hilarious,“ Shao said. „I mean, people’s DNA can be inherited, but how can their ideology, education or patriotism be inherited? All you need is for your subjects to be in good health, and then they can come.“

„Why do they have to emphasize their patriotism and political thought processes so much? It’s very strange,“ she said. „Why does politics have to get dragged into it?“

Hong Kong cartoonist A Ping told RFA: „This is even crazier than the Mao generation. Talk about making sure they’re red from the start.“

He said he had a problem with the implied eugenics involved in the project, too. „It’s actually a very outdated racist concept, and runs counter to the progress of humanity,“ he said.

Beijing-based artist Ji Feng agreed.

„They are turning common knowledge on its head and talking about strengthening the party’s leadership in the womb, so as to raise a new, red generation as the successors to socialism,“ he said.“

Reported by Qiao Long for RFA’s Mandarin Service. Translated and edited by Luisetta Mudie.

Es bleibt abzuwarten und zu beobachten, ob dies ein einmaliger Ausrutscher von übereifrigen, in vorauseilendem Parteigehorsam handelnden Individuen war oder aber ob sich dies zum parteiideologiegetriebenen Breitenphänomen der KP China auswächst.

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