Short notice: Trump and a deal wth Venezuela

Short notice: Trump and a deal wth Venezuela

Our media don´t report much about Latinamerica at the moment. Mostly about Bolsanaro, the war on drugs and the fights in the favelas as well as about the deforrestation of the Amazonas and Bolsanro`s repression against the indignious people. As climate change is the media focus at the moment other interesting news dissappear.

According to the Chinese section of Deutsche Welle (German Wave-comparable to the Voice of America) Trump declared that he had now secret relations with Maduro–without the opposition and Guaido. If this information was accurate, the dialogue for a new deal between Trump and Venezuela would have entered a new phase.I´m also asking if Trump sees Venezuela  as an opener and precedent for a dialogue with Putin as he also wanted Russia to participate at the G 7 summit and become a member again-despite the opposition of the other G7 members.However at the moment we are entering a new US-Russian armsrace.





(德国之声中文网)美国总统特朗普和委内瑞拉统一社会党领导人马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro )本周二证实,双方政府间正在秘密会谈。



特朗普和马杜罗都没有提及反对派领袖瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)。包括美国在内的50多个国家都承认瓜伊多为委内瑞拉临时总统。




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