Short notice: Covid, geopolitics and the Healthy One World-how?

Short notice: Covid, geopolitics and the Healthy One World-how?

Well, the geopolitical games will continue. First assumption: Covid is deadly and can make states, economies and their social and health system collapse, Under this assumption: One world which cooperates or geopolitical „games“ calculating leverage by humanitarian crisis and catastrophes.  The sanctioned states will try to use the Coronavirus to get rid of the sanctions. We will see if Trump or the EU will lift the sanctions for one humanitarian healthy menkind or use it as a tool  for regime change or for a new pro-western deal. Well already under Clinton/Albright the US had sanctions against Iraq with 500 000 dead civilians and Madeleine Albright declaring: We have him in the box. Same with the Corona crisis. And more: Alexander Rahr`s guess is that China will use its pharmaceutical production monopoly to sanction or put pressure on Europe and the USA. Trump just invested 8 billion $ in the vaccine industry and wanted to buy the leading Covid vaccine firm in Germany. The German government interfered. However, if a state brings another state and society in collapse by sanctions of vaccines and humanitarian aid, these might be a new normal for world society or new fronts will appear. Will China let Taiwan become a member of the WHO as it is leading in the fight against Covid and its Academica Sinica just develops a mass test or will the One-China policy prevent this? We will see if humanism or nationalism and geopolitics is prevailing.

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