For an anti-Islamist Al Jazeera – Without criticism of Islam, no reform Islam

For an anti-Islamist Al Jazeera – Without criticism of Islam, no reform Islam

Even before the Islamist attacks in France and now in Vienna and a prevented attack near Dresden, Macron gave his Islam speech, in which he propagated the fight against Islamism and against parallel societies, called for reform Islam and also passed an Islam law beforehand, which included some suitable measures against the organizational spread of Islamism. Europe, its politicians and the media did not even mention this until there were new Islamist attacks and Erdogan-Turkey spearheaded the campaign against Macron in the Muslim world and proclaimed the clash of civilization. The German Foreign Minister Heiko Mass, fortunately, sided with Macron and declared this as an attack against Europe and did not allow himself to be intimidated by the usual Islamophobia propaganda of the Islamists, including Erdogan. Merkel remained silent as always, but after the recent attacks, she also declared that “Islamism is the common enemy”, while Heiko Maas then reverted to the usual chatter that one generally does not want to stir up hatred. Merkel’s statement is already one significant shift in the atmosphere, but it will take some time before this translates into real action. The great chairman of the Greens Habeck now declared that one had to take decisive action against Islamism, but, as in previous attacks and former comments by Sigmar Gabriel, they limited the term Islamism to the few Salafists and potential suicide bombers especially since our red-green government and Schröder had awarded Erdogan in the 90s as „The European of the Year“ .. This excludes all Erdogan Islamists, Islamists who infiltrated as anti-Assad fighters from Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan, the Muslim Brotherhood, Khameini Iranian supporters, Hezbollah, who are currently acting more legally, but we don´t know if they will act so peaceful in future. Macron shows the way. An Islamism law is needed that cuts off the organizational and financial sources of Islamism and dries them up. It is not only a criminal and legal issue or just a security technological matter, but it is crucial that Islamism, be it jihadist or evolutionary, is combated in terms of its intellectual and ideological roots. On the one hand, by organizing secular Muslims and moderate Muslims against Islamists such as the AKP and the Muslim Brotherhood. Specifically, this means: criticism of Islam. You have to go to the roots and the basic texts and their ideological interpretations. Without criticism of Islam, there will be no reform Islam. The crux of the matter is that islamophile, post-colonial, post-modern multiculturalists want to forbid any criticism of Islam, especially the Greens who want to silence criticism of Islam as Islamophobic, even if they come from the democratic-secular or moderate-Islamic side and thus prevent any reform of Islam, which in turn plays into the hands of the AfD and the Islamists. Concrete proposal: The USA, the EU and non-Islamist Muslim states and groups should found a joint anti-Islamist propaganda broadcast station that, like Al Jazeera, educates about the ideology, goals and grievances of Islamist states and their Islamist groups -maybe with some entertainment and news – and sends criticism of Islam and ideas for reform Islam alongside secular voices. Hamed Abdel Samed is already doing this in a small form from Germany for the Muslim world and it is important to gather, promote and strengthen the Islamic-anti-Islamist and secular forces in the Muslim world and bring them into a peaceful alliance with the West. An anti-Islamist Al Jazeera is required, in which the following applies: Without criticism of Islam, no reform Islam.

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