Letter to an American friend: The Sinoamerican conflict and the multipolar world

Letter to an American friend: The Sinoamerican conflict and the multipolar world

Dear friend ,

just my personal guess:China will invade Taiwan within the next 6 years‘.Or try to do. It wants to use the coming Winter Olympics in 2022 like Hitler did with the Olympics 1936 to give the world the Image of a multilateralist, peaceful nation which wants to create win-win situations for all mankind.And then the USA will cross a so called red line and China has to“react“. However, it is unlikeley that most Europeans will follow the US call for a boycott of the Olympics in Beijing. From my Interviews with Dr. Rahr I found out that he thinks similar, however as a part-time Putin adviser he tried to make us feel save in Europe. However,I don’t fear that Putin will invade Europe,but that when the Chinese start their attack on Taiwan,that he will make some sort of limited Invasion of the Baltic or whatever as Micheal O Hanon is writing in his book „The Senkaku Paradox“. .It is not about territorial gains,but to plunge NATO in a crisis about the question If we should risk a war with Russia about such a limited hybrid attack.This in addition with a Chinese attack on Taiwan which could absorb US military power in Asia and weaken the European position, could lead to the paralyzation of NATO and the EU and by this way create the vaccum to dictate or redefine a new multipolar world order. The Sinoamerican conflict will escalate,but maybe it was useful to get Russia neutral in this coming conflict,if this is possible. However Biden made a big and important strategic decision when he announced the US infrastructure program and a Transatlantic New Silkroad in Eurasia.I hope he will succesd and that the Republlicans don’t stop that because taxes for some superrich US oligarchs and plutocrats. Otherwise the USA would show that their political sytstem is not effective anymore to make major strategic decisions besides Trumpism while China would demonstrate the effectivness and long strategic managemnet of major global affairs.

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