From Infinity to Man- does the Kabbalah become scientific?

From Infinity to Man- does the Kabbalah become scientific?

Reading the Kabbalah has become somehow fashionable and a trend in US entertainment business. Madonna does it, Britney Spears also is sid to „study“the esoteric writings of Kabbalah mysticism to gain an alleged deeper and secret understanding of truth and knowledge. Similar to Buddhism which has become fashionable among US Hollywood celbrities. Normally this already should deter anybody to take this too serious. Another form of esoteric, this time Jewish. However, the Jerusalem Post  promoted the new book by Eduard Shyfrin “From Infinity to Man-The fundamental Ideas of Kabbalah within the framework of Information Theory and Qantum Physics- In the beginning God created Information”. Shyfrin tries to combine the Tora and Kabbalah to modern scientific thinking, wants to promote the alleged actuality of the Kabbalah and modern scientific thinking. They were not antagonisms, but the Divine Light in the Torah wants that human beings see the limited light in their world of the Creator in the material world as light given by the Creator who is everything. The book gives a short introduction into the Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism which were distorted by their alleged misleading succesors and a short historic overview of its Jewsih  represantitives which after the exodus from Babylon and then the fall of Spain entered Israel again and Poland and Ukraine and got conserved their and returned to Israel again- therefore a Russian Rabbi is often quoted..

The book wants to show that intellect is the fundamental ability for menkind given by God in order to use it and also to analyse God´s divine light which is only a limited access to the Creator who is everything, but the necessary means of man besides reading the Torah and Kabbalah to discover the full truth Hard for atheists and agnostic people to believe. .However it is a book that wants to bring the Torah and Kabbalah in one line with science, the new developments and theories of quantum physics and information theory. While we want to recommend the book as an interesting reading, we also ask ourselves why it was promoted by the Jerusalem Post? Is it because of the rising proportion of religious Israelis that now there is a book that tries to convince religious people not only to study the Torah and Kabalah in a dogmatic way, but combine it with modern science? Is it welcomed by the secular parts of the Israeli society to bring the Armaggedon Jews to a more moderate and scientific thinking which includes science? Is it a new religious stream that wants to modernize orthodox religious  Jewish thinking? Will it be expanded beyond quantum science and information theory to other areas and create a sort of Israeli “Intelligent Design”? Means: A religious neofundamentalism which uses science to look rational and modern? Will this be a new form of a modernization and synthesis between religion and science and secularism and religion? Will there be any serious comments on this book by secular or scientific or religious people? Is the message that“ the Divine light of the Creator who is everything“ that religious and human beings should use their intellect and modern science and study it like the Tora and vice versa as appeal to use it as it maybe hasn´t be used too much before because of Torah teachings?Or as the book says: God in this sense gave us information and the intellect to discover his grand plan in the beginning while the process afterwards has to be driven by the use of intellect as God´s selfresponsible human beings have to use it. It would be interesting if similar discussions and books have beenheld or published in other religions or in scientific circles. However, in the 80s the German astrophysican Dürr had similar debates with the Tibetan Buddhist Dalai Lama, and was taking about the relation between science, quantum theory and relatitivity andi ts relations with Buddhist thought and religion. Now we have a similar book and discussion promoted by the Jerusalem Post.Therefore nothing really new, but it won´t bring a two state solution.There it is more about the orthodox reading of the Tora and the Holy Land.

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