The dictator as a genius who creates culture

The dictator as a genius who creates culture

Egomaniacs, dictators as directors, filmmakers, cultural creators from Kinski, Polanski, Weinstein, Dieter Bohlen, Karajan, Kroetz, some of whom took advantage of women, vented their whims on humanity and their subordinates, acted like pimps, and sometimes raped their daughters and women , were seen as great artists and cultural superstars. The dictator is the genius, creates his authenticity and originality, his charisma and charisma, the worse he behaves towards his subordinates and the more extroverted, tyrannical, egomaniacal and narcissistic he behaves – thus also with sex appealhe becomes tolerated  to the authoritarian and believing audience and admirers . So far, all of this has been tacitly tolerated, if not even met approval and loud applause. Art is unthinkable if the artist or director is not patriarchal, self-centered, tyrannical, extroverted and an asshole. Meanwhile the mood has changed. The employees of art stages put up pamphlets against dictatorial directors and filmakers, women organize against the sexual exploitation on the part of the old angry white man, who previously dominated the culture and media scene, whereby this also penetrates into the media in the case of the BILD- Reichelt, which is now also inflated to the Döpfner case, until Jan Fleischhauer, in Burda-Focus, picked out similar behavior at Spiegel publisher Augstein, who received interns in a bathing suit and asked „Fucking?“, Whereupon both sides have noticeably fallen silent. Or in the world of fashion. In an interview fashion tsar Joop said that he cried when Karl Lagerfeld died because an era had come to an end and „this world was so wonderfully frivolous and frigid. Everything was for sale. The agencies gave the keys to the room of models‘ who didn’t bring that much money to rich men . And when a girl complained, he said: We can do it without you too „. To the reply that this was terrible, Joop replied: „Yes. But the world of fashion is only really beautiful if there is also sin.“There is so much abuse that it would have to be dealt with for decades, as in the cases of abuse by the Catholic and Protestant Church or the reform pedagogy of the Odenwald School. But one should distinguish between two things: the work of art and the artist. Kinski, Polanski, Karajan and also Weinstein have made good films and music, regardless of the history of the creation and independent from their crimes. One should separate artist and work of art. Otherwise you get such nonsense, to subsequently remove actors like Kevin Spacey from the films because of Metoo and no longer show these works of art or to keep silent. The perpetrators should be prosecuted and convicted, but you shouldn’t remove their works of art. Even if Einstein had raped or killed his wife or his canary, the general theory of relativity would still be valid and is just awesome. ARTE does that quite well by showing racist angry white man films and cowboy movies, including John Wayne, in order to document them as zeitgeist documents and self-speaking criticism. In addition, you can comment on the whole thing and put it in a modern context.However, the big fear of the supporters of ingenoius cultural dictators is that a democratization of culture, arts, fashion, music and film is leading to nowhere and they fear the slogan of German artist Beuys: “ Everybody is an artist“and „Everything is art“.

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