Climate desaster: Biden in another Kentucky Fried Movie

Climate desaster: Biden in another Kentucky Fried Movie

Well, Kentucky was hit by a tornado which has its origin and new intensity in climate change Donald Trmps always denies. More gas, more oil, make America First and against the Chinese. Well Kentucky got now a pretty proportion of that sort of policy. Trump and the Republicans ruin the USA, are only strong in their destructive ways on Twitter and after he was banned now Trump builds his own new social media and already collected 1 billion $ for it. Well, it seems as many parts of the Americans , just get what they want. Destruction on the whole planet and on their own territory as 9 11 was not enough and seem to get accustomed to it with such lunatics and America first maniacs. Joe Biden makes the mistake to claim that the USA should be united when facing such a climate change catastrophe as now in Kentucky. It would be better if Biden just attacks Trump and his policy for it. However, Biden wants to reunite and to calm down the USA by constructive programs as infrastructure programs, new Keyensianism, better paid jobs and so on. However all this radicalized Republcans will stick to Trump in his version that the US election was „stolen“, not legitimate and that even a civil war was the way to solve this „problem: Beyond this problem or even a climate catstrophe which doesn´t bother it at all. It´s just: You are for or aganist me and even the so called moderate Republicans sstill support him, Therefore: Best hope for Biden to change that course and to bring a climate and social policy that will prevent the next Kentucky Fried movies. And if the stupid Americans should vote for Trump again, Kentucky has no chance at all and the global enviroment–even if the Europeans are teaming up with China and Russia. But as Europeans and Germans we can´t influence their own choice and election outcome, therefore we have support the potentials of the Biden era and have to shift if the new Trumpism is causig similar effects like the Kentucky desaster, Another Kentucky Fried Movie in a political sense. But the US right think that tornadoes won´t hit Kentucky and the USA again in this dimension as Trump will save them with his „America First“. And then we will have a leader which will resolve all of our problems and fuck about the rest of the world. America First. We wish Biden a good time!

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