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Month: November 2019

Hong Kong: Increasing violence and rumors about a Trump Xi deal

Hong Kong: Increasing violence and rumors about a Trump Xi deal

In Hong Kong, the protests continue as usual, only with increasing violence. A protester was shot and protesters poured gasoline over a man. The last few days there are repeatedly reports that it will soon come to a Sino-American trade agreement. Then again and again denials from the White House. Of the 5 claims of the Hong Kong opposition, one has already been met-the repeal of the Extradition law.3 other demands – investigation of police violence, amnesty, refusal to call…

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Hongkong: Zunehmende Gewalt und Gerüchte über einen Trump-Xi-Deal

Hongkong: Zunehmende Gewalt und Gerüchte über einen Trump-Xi-Deal

In Hongkong gehen die Proteste wie gehabt weiter, nur mit zunehmender Gewalt.Ein Angeschossener und ein mit Benzin Übergossener.Die letzten Tage dazu immer wieder Berichte,dass es bald zu einem sinoamerikanischen Handelsabkommen komme.Dann immer wieder Dementis aus dem Weissen Haus. Von den 5 Forderungen der Hongkonger Opposition wurde eine schon erfüllt-die Rücknahme des Sicherheitsgesetzes.3 weitere Forderungen sind problemlos-Untersuchung der Polizeigewalt, Amnestie, Verzicht darauf die Proteste Krawalle zu nennen. Darauf könnte die Regierung von Carrie Lam noch eingehen. Knackpunkt sind aber die Forderung…

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Is a non-interference pact between the West and Russia feasible? The West and Russia between a regional or an Eurasian power

Is a non-interference pact between the West and Russia feasible? The West and Russia between a regional or an Eurasian power

During the Cold War the West always complained about 5 th columns of Moscow, infiltration of universities, companies, security apparatus, media and political parties and movements by the KGB, Eastern support for the peace movemnent, while the own interference in the Eastern bloc via the CIA for the Solidarnosc, Charta 77, the East German churches and opposition ,  mudjahedin, Muslimbrotherhood  and Islamists and anticommunist movements and groups were kept secret. While the Cold war ended in a peaceful revolution, Western…

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30 years fall of the Berlin wall-time for a New East Policy?

30 years fall of the Berlin wall-time for a New East Policy?

Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Time to reflect on the development of the last 30 years and why we are on the verge of a new Cold War today. Perhaps Gorbachev made the mistake of not securing his own design for a New Europe at the time.. The United States and the United Kingdom got Germany´s  NATO membership, France the euro, Gorbachev $ 13 billion for the withdrawal of troops and $ 1.5…

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30 Jahre Mauerfall-Zeit für eine Neue Ostpolitik?

30 Jahre Mauerfall-Zeit für eine Neue Ostpolitik?

Gestern war das vielgefeierte 30 jährige Jubiläum des Fall der Berliner Mauer und der Reichspogromnacht. Zeit auch einmal die Entwicklung der letzten 30 Jahre zu reflektieren und warum wir heute am Rande eines Neuen Kalten Kriegs stehen (Betrachtungen zum Antisemitismsu und des Wiederstarken des Rechtsradikalismus inklusive AfD zu anderer Zeit). Möglicherweise beging Gorbatschow den Fehler, dass er damals nicht seinen eigenen Design samt einhergehender Forderungen zu einem Neuen Europa und einem europäischen Haus vertraglich absicherte. Die USA und GB bekamen…

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Baghdadi Dead : What it means for Terrorism in West and South Asia

Baghdadi Dead : What it means for Terrorism in West and South Asia

Author: General (ret.) Asthana President Trump’s announcement  that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State(IS) commander, died during a US military operation in Syria, later confirmed by ISIS itself, was a welcome news for all fighting terrorism or suffering from it in any part of the world.  This was followed by death of their spokesperson and arrest of his sister and wife by Turkey. After the decimation of IS caliphate, IS continues to exist in small modules in many parts of…

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The Myth of the New Silkroad:Xi´s Great Leap Forward?

The Myth of the New Silkroad:Xi´s Great Leap Forward?

Read the article by Ryan Manuel in the Jamestown Foundation’s Chinese Leadership Monitor: „Twists in the Belt and Road“ Assuming that the BRI is a centrally planned, strategic-geopolitical project based on a well thought-out master plan and the mastermind Xi, the article shows that it is above all an economic project that is essentially determined by local cadres. Foreign Ministry and military officials remain outside, it was not Xi’s priority, mainly state-owned enterprises are promoted and lending and financing are…

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Mythos Neue Seidenstrasse: Xis Grosser Sprung nach vorn?

Mythos Neue Seidenstrasse: Xis Grosser Sprung nach vorn?

Lesenswerter Artikel von Ryan Manuel im Chinese Leadership Monitor der Jamestown Foundation:„Twists in the Belt and Road“ Ging man immer davon aus, dass die BRI ein zentral geplantes,strategisch-geopolitisches Projekt nach einem durchdachten Masterplan und dem Mastermind Xi sei,so zeigt der Artikel,dass es vor allem ein ökonomisches Projekt ist,das im wesentlichen von lokalen Kadern bestimmt wird,Vertreter des Aussenministeriums und des Militärs aussen vor bleiben, es nicht Xis Priorität war,vor allem Staatsunternehmen gefördert werden und die Kreditvergabe und Finanzierung nur zu 8%von…

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RCEP, Greater Eurasia and the coming New world order

RCEP, Greater Eurasia and the coming New world order

While Trump canceled freetrade agreements like TTIP and TPP, renegotiated NAFTA and pushes protectionism and trade wars, the Asians want to choose the other way by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). While India is still hesitating to sign the RCEP agreement because in India there is an anti-.Chinese mood, fears of am alleged buy out, Buy Indian campaigns and worries that China might create a sinocentric order in Asia, the ASEAN countries are divided about a RCEP with or…

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Interview with Russia´s Former Deputy Finance Minister Dr. Leonid Grigoryev: „Russia will supply EU demands for energy till the end of drinking beer by people in the EU“

Interview with Russia´s Former Deputy Finance Minister Dr. Leonid Grigoryev: „Russia will supply EU demands for energy till the end of drinking beer by people in the EU“

Global Review had the honour and pleasure to have an interview with Russia´s Former Deputy Finance Minister Dr. Leonid Grigoryev. GlobalSource Partners Russia Country Analyst Leonid Grigoryev is one of the country’s top statesmen and theoreticians. He has served at the highest levels of government and academia and is an acknowledged authority on all aspects of the Russian economy, including its macro and fiscal dynamics, legal and institutional framework, and cultural trends. Based in Moscow, Dr. Grigoryev is a professor…

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China passes new digital currency law- the struggle between US-Libra and the digital yuan

China passes new digital currency law- the struggle between US-Libra and the digital yuan

After China has passed its new digital currency law the Chinese digital currency seems to be in preparation. Shenzhen will be a pilot city to test the new digital currency–maybe also to weaken Hongkong´s position as financial center. China`s goverment long resisted the introduction of a digital currency as it saw problems with national soveringity, the weaking of the central bank, money laundering, stability of the financial system and it also refered to the volatile performance of the bitcoin. While…

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