Conspiracies: Is there a Secret World Government or Should We Advocate an Official World Government?

Conspiracies: Is there a Secret World Government or Should We Advocate an Official World Government?

A professor wrote to us that the term conspiracy theories would be instrumentazied against critical thinking , for censorship against cover- ups  and that not every conspiracy theory might be wrong. Admittedly, there are conspiracies, there are also political murders that take place as a result of a conspiracy, historically everything is documented, such as so-called false flag operations such as the Gleiwitz accident or the Gulf of Tonking. Nevertheless, we have put the whole thing in a larger context, on the other hand made it quite concrete with the help of a few examples, but we cannot work through the whole range of conspiracy theories – there are too many of them for that. .We do that quite concretely by means of a few GR articles, while we don’t want to flood everyone with,it as other blogs do  in order to work through the encyclopedia of conspiracies from Marilyn Monroe to Lady Di. And if 9 11 was LIHOP or MIHOP or whatever was discussed in detail here and in other blogs and medias. But we don´t want deny that there are conspiracies, but there are also many conspiracy theorists in the so called alternative media which made it their profession to claim that even any fart by Xi or Biden was a pandemic biological warfare from a biological war lab or whatever. But we are not talking about all these little conspiracies, but about the Great conspiracy which is in most parts the basis of all the little conspiracies.

Nevertheless, one can quite clearly speak of great conspiracy theories when people claim that there is a secret world government today that plays the peoples and nation states and left and right against each other in the sense of divide et impera and incites against each other and all conflicts in the world and societies be explained by this incitement strategy of a secret, conspiring world clique. And then there are the Bilderbergers, Soros, Gates, the Illuminati, the Zionists, the Jews, the US east coast (although Silicon Valley as the west coast has long been more important), etc. , whereby other power centers as the Valdai Club or the Boao Conference, ,etc including the entire national governments are excluded in this sort of conspiracy “calculations”.. Thie Jews, Illuminaties, Zionist, globalists, etc. are the forever interchangeable placeholder for these conspiracy theories. Insofar as one believes that there is already a sworn. in secret world government that is only artificially staging all these world conflicts in order to maintain its own power, one would have to discuss it again from this point of view. But then please also evidence and indications, but this eternal claim that a secret world government or world clique rule the world and play it off against each other is beyond all logic. Was Mao was an Illuminati or a Bilderberger, Modi a Jew,  was it only Bush Sr. , who wanted a new NWO, and not  what also Xi, Putin and others also want, but under their own leadership and all these national governments – and states, anarchistic national states in world politics and world economy and culture, , different capital factions and political groups, as to see the entire economic and financial crises as centrally controlled by a small world clique and not to see the world as a very complex, interactive, anarchistic system for which multilateral forms of cooperation and crisis management are needed is simply paranoid and how sick and stupid must somebody actually be to believe some crap like that?

Another question about these world conspiracy theories: Today I wrote to one of Putin’s advisors, who feels neglected by Schröder’s influence on Putin, that Schröder’s program at the time was the Eurasianizationn of the G7 by expanding it to include Russia and China to form a G9 in exchange for UN reform with the permanent UN Security Council be expanded to include India, South Africa, Brazil and Germany with the help of the voices of Russia and China. So a mega program, but that at the G 7 summit in Cologne India and Pakistan let their atomic bombs sound as far as Germany, also to point out their Eurasian existence and importance. There was then another G8, which soon saw Russia excluded and the G7 revived, Trump’s G11 with Russia against China did not want any power apart from himself and now the G20 is playing an increasing role and it are not the Illuminati or a secret sworn world government that causes all this, but the lack of an official world government or world confederation or NWO within the framework of a multipolar world or a new globalism or at least a new multilateralism that could be a solution.

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