Chinas Greta auf COP 27 , GAUC und weitere Beiträge der KP China zur Weltenrettung

Chinas Greta auf COP 27 , GAUC und weitere Beiträge der KP China zur Weltenrettung

Interessanterweise tauchten die chinesische Jugend auf COP27 nicht wie die Deutschen als NGO- organisierte Jugendliche auf wie Friday for Future, Extinction Rebellion, Die Letzte Gneration auf oder was da noch rumhüpft und sich anklebt oder Kunstwerke übergiesst oder Strassenblockaden, macht, sondern mittels ganz biederer, sich ebenso wie FFF auf DIE Wissenschaft berufenden Shootingstars, die aber gleich von Wissenschaftseltieunis wie der Tsinghuaunis oder Harvard oder Yale kommen. Zudem in der Global Alliance of  Universities for Climateprotection (GAUC) organisiert sind und Naturwissenschaften studiert haben. Scheinbar präsentiert einem die KP China da die junge Hydrologiestudentin Wang Xinlu als die chinesische Greta, Carla Reemtsma, Carola Rakete und Luise Neubauer in einem regierungsamtlichen Gesamtpaket. Nicht demonstrieren: Studieren und von der KP China und den Xi Jinpinggedanken lernen. Damit rettet man die Welt und die Umwelt und das Klima. Ob die sich in Ägypten auf dem COP 27 kennengelernt haben?

 „Young Chinese hydro-eco student makes Gen-Zers‘ voice heard at COP27

By Shan Jie

Published: Nov 21, 2022 09:16 PM

Editor’s Note:

Young Chinese people in the new era are confident, aspirational, and responsible. With a global vision, they stand at the forefront of the times ready to fully commit to a more global outlook. Chinese people accept and quickly respond to the world’s trending schools of thought. Some members of China’s Generation Z have begun to practice the tenets of their „global citizen“ identity and use their actions to influence the society.

The Global Times has therefore launched a series of introductory stories on China’s Gen Zers who are interested in different global topics, such as environmental protection, equality, and employment issues, and invites them to share their stories, sentiments and ideas.

Recently, we spoke with two excellent Chinese students who care about climate change and just returned from the recently concluded 27th session of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27) in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. They, representing the young generation, made their voices heard while gaining experience and honing their leadership skills by engaging with their communities and driving climate actions.

Chinas Greta und Luise

In recent years, Wang Xinlu has voyaged on the Jinsha River to collect water samples and guage water quality.

The river passes through some regions in Southwest China that have not been subjected to human exploitation. Wang treasures the good feeling of floating on the peaceful water and surrounded by the pure natural sceneries there. 

Wang is a PhD student studying Hydro-environmental Engineering at Tsinghua University. Her research focuses on exploring hydro-eco mechanisms and the impact of large-scale hydropower construction on the Yangtze River of China.

„River ecological protection and climate change are also closely related, especially when we see the impact of the current climate extremes, many of which, in fact, are caused by climate change,“ Wang told the Global Times.

She is passionate about sustainable development, climate action, international governance, and collaborative solutions to these issues. With her knowledge in hydrology and ecology, she focuses on extreme hydrological events in terms of climate change and hopes to find better solutions.

This month, Wang went to Egypt as part of the COP27 Youth Delegates with the Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC) China delegation, which is initiated by top universities in the world including Tsinghua, aiming to advance climate change solutions through research, education, and public outreach.

There, Wang and her peers made their voices heard and gained vital experience which will help them in the future deal with climate issues. 

Voices for the new generation

Majored in water conservancy, Wang had the opportunity to visit several hydropower stations at home and abroad and to learn about how these constructions are combined with local ecosystems. 

„The hydropower projects proposed and constructed under Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) are technologically sound,“ she said. „It is also an important part of the the topic of adaptation in confronting climate change, that is to financially and technologically aid less-developed countries, to help them counter the effects of climate disasters,“ she explained.

The river passes through some regions in Southwest China that have not been subjected to human exploitation. Wang treasures the good feeling of floating on the peaceful water and surrounded by the pure natural sceneries there. 

Wang is a PhD student studying Hydro-environmental Engineering at Tsinghua University. Her research focuses on exploring hydro-eco mechanisms and the impact of large-scale hydropower construction on the Yangtze River of China.

„River ecological protection and climate change are also closely related, especially when we see the impact of the current climate extremes, many of which, in fact, are caused by climate change,“ Wang told the Global Times.

She is passionate about sustainable development, climate action, international governance, and collaborative solutions to these issues. With her knowledge in hydrology and ecology, she focuses on extreme hydrological events in terms of climate change and hopes to find better solutions.

This month, Wang went to Egypt as part of the COP27 Youth Delegates with the Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC) China delegation, which is initiated by top universities in the world including Tsinghua, aiming to advance climate change solutions through research, education, and public outreach.

There, Wang and her peers made their voices heard and gained vital experience which will help them in the future deal with climate issues. 

Voices for the new generation

Majored in water conservancy, Wang had the opportunity to visit several hydropower stations at home and abroad and to learn about how these constructions are combined with local ecosystems. 

„The hydropower projects proposed and constructed under Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) are technologically sound,“ she said. „It is also an important part of the the topic of adaptation in confronting climate change, that is to financially and technologically aid less-developed countries, to help them counter the effects of climate disasters,“ she explained.

In 2019 she completed a climate change-related internship and this year, she started a climate change course at GAUC, which also affored her the opportunity to attend the COP27.

At the aspirational event, the youth ambassadors from different countries released an open letter directed to world leaders at the „Climate x“ event in the China Pavilion on November 9. 

Global climate leaders including Xie Zhenhua, China’s special envoy on climate change, also attended the event. „Now is the time to encourage more young people to join this movement and put forward innovative solutions,“ he said at the event. 

Wang and her peers also presented the letter to Inger Andersen, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. 

„I feel lucky to be able to show our young people’s actions and commitment to world leaders with this letter,“ she said. „Our young people are very positive and willing to promote the awareness on climate change. I hope that other attendees of the COP27 were able to feel the passion of young people,“ she said.The Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC) youth delegation at the COP27 on November 7, 2022 Photo: Courtesy of GAUC

The Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC) youth delegation at the COP27 on November 7, 2022 Photo: Courtesy of GAUC

In 2019 she completed a climate change-related internship and this year, she started a climate change course at GAUC, which also affored her the opportunity to attend the COP27.

At the aspirational event, the youth ambassadors from different countries released an open letter directed to world leaders at the „Climate x“ event in the China Pavilion on November 9. 

Global climate leaders including Xie Zhenhua, China’s special envoy on climate change, also attended the event. „Now is the time to encourage more young people to join this movement and put forward innovative solutions,“ he said at the event. 

Wang and her peers also presented the letter to Inger Andersen, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. 

„I feel lucky to be able to show our young people’s actions and commitment to world leaders with this letter,“ she said. „Our young people are very positive and willing to promote the awareness on climate change. I hope that other attendees of the COP27 were able to feel the passion of young people,“ she said.

Today, the youth are increasingly aware that the climate crisis presents challenges and risks, and that addressing climate change presents opportunities for sustainable development, according to the UN.

„In ongoing negotiations, each country just seeks its own benefit with numerous clashes. But a variety of interests and goals need to be dealt together to solve climate issues,“ Wang said.

„Young people will become the decision makers on climate change issues in the future. The COP27 and organizations like GAUC have provided us with an opportunity to build up connections and mutual trust,“ she said.

Seeing improvements

Wang was born in Weihai, East China’s Shandong Province, which is a coastal city.

„I feel that I have a natural intimacy with the ocean, so I have paid extra attention to the marine environment since I was a child, especially after I went to college. This is also one of the reasons that led me to focus more on climate change,“ she said.

When Wang first started at Tsinghua in 2016, it was a time when northern China was impacted by severe smog. „In winter, we often needed to wear face masks,“ she said.

„But after some years, air quality in Beijing has greatly improved. It means if we acted, there would be changes, even in bigger issues such as the climate change,“ she said.

In Wang’s opinion, in dealing with environment and climate issues, China is „more inclined to action.“ „China formulates climate policies based on its own national conditions and has always promoted the achievement of such goals,“ she said.

Thanks to China’s persistent efforts to combat all types of pollution, clear waters and blue skies are becoming more common across the country.

Air quality has improved notably, with the average concentration of PM2.5 hazardous airborne particles decreasing from 46 micrograms per cubic meter in 2015 to 30 micrograms per cubic meter in 2021, according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Xinhua News Agency reported in September.

Zumindestens präsentiert die KP China Wang Xinlu als chinesische Vertreterin der Generation Z und nicht mehr der Millenials, als Gegenmodell der nur demonstrierenden und nicht Naturwissenschaften studierenden, sondern sich auf Lesch und Yogeschwar und „DIE“ Wissenschaften (auch die östlichen) berufenden Fridays for Future. Umgekehrt kennt man ja jene Sorte Naturwissenschaftler, vor allem auch der Hydrotechnologie aus autoritären Staaten , die da ihr Verständnis von Ökologie an den futuristisch- ideologischen Zukunftsträumen und Wissenschaftsverständnis ihrer Regierungen orientieren müssen, zumal die KPführung sich ja zu einem hohen Teil aus ehemaligen Studenten der Naturwissenschaften ihrer Eliteunis zusammensetzt, anders als westliche Regierungen oder die Silowiki Russlands. . Das kennt man bei Ägyptern, wenn man  mal auf ökologisch desaströse Wirkungen ihrer Assuan- und anderen Staudämme hinweist oder eben in China beim Drei- Schluchtenstaudamm oder eben beim Himmelskanal nach Peking aus Tibet oder anderen Dammbauten im Himalaya, die Indien, Südostasien und anderen die Oberläufe abgraben. Da geht es dann auch weniger um naturwissenschaftliche oder ökologische Erkenntnisse, sondern oft um Nationalprestige und den chinesischen oder anderen nationalistischen Traum und um wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Wachstum, dem alles untergeordnet wird. Wir haben Professor van Ess vorgeschlagen doch mal Chinas chinesische Greta an deutsche Unis einzuladen und vielleicht mit der Global Alliance of Universities for Climateprotection (GAUC) ein DAAD oder anderes Austauschprogramm zu initieren und beide in Verbindung und Diskussion zu bringen. Klar ist aber, dass die KP China niemals akzeptieren würde, wenn Wang Xinlu sich irgendwie auf eine Strasse klebt, Schüler- oder Studentenstreiks organisiert, Massenproteste organiseren wollte, ihre Regierung ständig kritisieren und unter Druck setzen würde—da wäre sie wohl schneller Berufsverbot bekommen ,  in einem chinesischen Gulag oder Hausarrest landen oder gäbe es im Falle massenhafter Proteste ein neues Tiananmenmassaker.

Jedenfalls meint die KP China mittels ihrer Sorte von Wissenschaft da der Menschheit einen Dienst zu erweisen, den chinesischen Traum der nationalen Wiedergeburt als Weltmacht näher zu kommen, auch mittels ihrer Forschungsbeiträge bei solch internationalen Mega-Projekten wie ITER. Kernfusion statt Kernspaltung und Kernkraft der traditionellen Art, die Schaffung einer künstlichen Sonne, die alle Energieprobleme der Welt bei Gelingen auf einen Schlag lösen könnte:

“ Core components of China-made world’s largest ‚artificial sun‘ accomplished, new breakthrough in core technology

By Cao Siqi and Du Qiongfang Published: Nov 22, 2022 09:02 PM

ITER- Die künstliche Sonne geht im Osten auf, nach Westen nimmt sie ihren Lauf

Manufacturing of the core components of the next-generation „artificial sun,“ the full-size prototype of the enhanced-heat-flux (EHF) first wall (FW) panel, has been completed in China with its core indexes being significantly better than its design requirements and meeting the conditions for mass manufacturing, marking a new breakthrough by China in the scientific research of the core technology of EHF FW, the Global Times learned from its research team on Tuesday. 

Also known as the world’s largest „artificial sun,“ the international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER) for the exploration and development of nuclear fusion energy is one of the largest and most far-reaching international scientific projects in the world, and the largest international scientific and technological cooperation project that China participates in as an equal alongside with the EU, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the US. 

China signed an agreement on the launch of the ITER project with the other six parties in 2006 and has shouldered responsibility for about 9 percent of its tasks. 

A new breakthrough was made in research for the „artificial sun“ in China in October, with its HL-2M plasma current exceeding 1 million amperes, setting a new record for the operation of controllable nuclear fusion in the country. 

The EHF FW panel, which can withstand a surface plasma ion temperature of the reactor core up to 150 million C, some 10 times hotter than the real Sun, during the operation of the ITER, is the most critical core component of the reactor, involving the core technology of the fusion reactor construction. 

The technology mastered by China previously took the lead in passing international certification. 

The full-size prototype piece of the ITER EHF FW was developed by the Southwestern Institute of Physics under the state-owned China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC). 

After the researchers from the institute manufactured EHF FW fingers in batches, they then completed the welding and assembly of the components by overcoming setbacks such as high temperatures, power cuts and COVID-19 outbreaks by cooperating with Guizhou Aerospace Xinli Technology Co, a company specialized in metal smelting and forging, which is located in Zunyi city in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province. 

The Chinese team, which took the lead in manufacturing the prototype piece in the international team, once again made a substantial engineering breakthrough for the research and development of the key components of ITER, marking China’s solemn fulfillment of its international commitment. 

Luo Delong, director of the China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Execution Center under the Ministry of Science and Technology, addressed the achievement and said that great achievements have been made by the Chinese team after years of efforts and lots of fruitful research and development work. 

Through the work, China has independently mastered the principle of the process and made breakthroughs in technology while also providing „Chinese wisdom“ and „Chinese plans,“ making huge contributions to independently master key technologies, fulfilling international commitments and demonstrating its responsibilities as a major power, Luo said.

Auch auf der E- Mobilität will China Vorreiter sein und orientiert sich der Grossteil der deutschen Automobilindustrie momentan an China.

Dazu ein interessantes Interview mit Autopapst Dudenhöfer zur Zukunft der Autoindustrie. China statt Ford, gegen  „reinrassiger Chinabashing“ und für neue Zulieferindustrie.

 Autopapst Dudenhöffer: China-Bashing nicht gut für Industrie-Standort Deutschland

Professor Ess meinte dazu:

Da hat er sicher recht. Nur dass er so massiv das Elektroauto verficht, das doch der Grund für die Probleme von Mercedes in China ist, irritiert mich. Der versteht nicht, dass die Chinesen von Mercedes lieber ein normales Auto haben wollen. Das ist doch höchstwahrscheinlich der Grund für die Probleme.“

Ich finde es auch interessant sich Mal Japan anzusehen. Da werden noch Hybride, Wasserstoffautos, Brennzellenautos und die jetzigen E-Autos entwickelt. Die setzen auf mehrere Pferde und sind „technologieergebnisoffen“ wie die FDP. während die deutschen Autofirmen scheinbar wegen des chinesischen Markts nur auf ein Pferd setzen. Tesla auch nicht vergessen. Was ist eigentlich aus dem Googleauto geworden?

Ähnlich sieht dies auch Professor van Ess:

„Ich bin zweimal auf dem STS Forum in Kyoto gewesen. Da haben die Japaner immer den Toyota-Chef und den Regierungschef geschickt. Beide haben beide Male betont, dass Wasserstoff für sie die Technologie der Zukunft ist, nicht das Elektroauto. Schon ganz interessant.“

Oder braucht es doch mehr Industriepolitik, die Sascha Lobo im Bereich der IT- Technologie für Teufelswerk hält und Airbusvergleiche zurückweist und der Besitzer des Münchner Merkurs. Dirk Yippen für Teufelswerk und sogar Franz Josef Strauss wegen des Airbuserfolgs als „Staatssozialist“ denunziert, wie auch die FDP ? Was ist eigentlich aus Altmeiers Digital- und Industriepolitikstrategie geworden? Umgekehrt geht es inwischen schon weiter als banale Industriepolitik : Das Wort „Kriegswirtschaft“ fällt jetzt desöfteren wie Xi Jinping vom „protracted war“ spricht  Für den Chef des Münchner Merkur Georg Anastasiadis im Zusammenhang mit dem Ukrainekrieg, im Freitag als Lösung des Klimawandels und der Energiewende:

„Ulrike Herrmann: „Die Lösung der Klimakrise? Grünes Schrumpfen!“

Im Gespräch Ulrike Herrmann hat ein Buch über „Das Ende des Kapitalismus“ vorgelegt. Sie glaubt: Nur eine „Kriegswirtschaft“ kann die CO₂-Emissionen rasch senken. Im Gespräch mit Jakob Augstein erklärt sie, wie dieser Übergang gelingen kann“

 Was sagt Habeck und der Rest dazu? Alles offene und unbeantwortete Fragen. Dazu noch als  Lesetips aus Global Reviewartikel:

Industriepolitik-Erfolgsrezept oder Teufelswerk?

Folgen der Globalisierung und mangelnder Industriepolitik–sind die USA noch kriegsfähig?

Technological revolution in China and the USA- what about Europe and Eurasia?

Doch abgesehen von dem Glauben in die Wissenschaft, Industriepolitik Made in China 2025 und solch einer glorreichen Staatsregierung wie der  KP China, fehlt es aber den Jugendlichen und Jungen im Westen aus der Sicht der KP China vor allem an Arbeitsmoral, was dessen Deindustrialisierung erklären soll- mal ein programmatischer Artikel der Global Times von einem Autor, der gleichzeitig im KP Zentralorgan People´s Daily schreibt:

“US manufacturing causes economic, spiritual decline

By Ding Gang

Published: Nov 23, 2022 07:01 PM

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned on Monday about „growing Chinese efforts to control“ critical infrastructure, supply chains and key industrial sectors. 

Like some European politicians who have pushed the „China threat“ theory, Stoltenberg is using his fertile imagination to create false reasons to hide the looming recession across Europe in both economy and spirit. 

The question for Europe is not what key facilities China wants „to control,“ but whether European countries themselves have the capacity to build them. Ultimately, it is how Europe’s economy will regroup on top of a collapsing manufacturing base.

The challenge for Europe is not what the Chinese are doing to Europe, but how the Europeans are doing to themselves.

The fact that Europe’s economy is already fragile and has been hit hard again by the energy crisis triggered by the Russia-Ukraine conflict is enough of a wake-up call for Europe’s politicians and elites.

Stoltenberg would do well to ask the young people around him if they are willing to take jobs in the manufacturing sector and sit on assemble lines for a whole working day?

They would rather „lie flat.“

According to a survey by Eurostat in May this year, 13.1 percent of the 15-29-year-olds in the EU in 2021 were NEET – Young people Not in Education, Employment or Training.

The UK is a typical example of manufacturing decline. Back in the day, Britain used to be the „factory of the world.“ Today, how much British manufacturing can still occupy a mainstream position in the world market? 

According to the World Bank data, the UK’s manufacturing value added as a share of its GDP fell from 16.67 percent in 1990 to 8.59 percent in 2019.

Another World Bank figure shows that in the 23 most developed economies, including the US and major EU member states, manufacturing employment declined from about 28 percent of their GDP in 1970 to about 18 percent in 1994. Among the 15 countries in the EU, the share of manufacturing employment was relatively high in 1970 at over 30 percent, but then fell sharply to only 20 percent in 1994 and has continued to decline to about 15 percent to date.

Manufacturing in the EU today, especially in countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden, still maintains some high-end competitiveness. However, overall it is being challenged by the US, China, Japan, South Korea and other countries and regions.

The US is doing its best to tie the EU to its chariot to contain China, resulting in increasing constraints on the future autonomous development of its high-end manufacturing industry, including market demand-oriented technological upgrading.

De-industrialization is a natural consequence of growth and capital expansion in the developed economies. This process is accelerating as the focus of employment shifts to the services sector. The inability of the services sector to absorb the sudden increase in the labor force has resulted in higher unemployment, lower incomes or lower living standards.

The development of European countries was once inseparable from the development of manufacturing, which on a large scale coincided with the religious spirit of hard work and solidarity among Europeans, fostering the growth of trade unions and balancing them with the power of capital to create a more equitable welfare society.

Long-term de-industrialization will also lead to a decline in people’s work ethic and skills, and the gradual disintegration of collective wage bargaining through increased services sector and self-employment, combined with aging and the arrival of immigrants changing labor levels, have been hurting the foundations of the European welfare societies.

Nowadays, some European politicians and elites look at China with a strong sense of „ideological superiority.“ In fact, if you look carefully at China’s development, you will realize that what really surpasses Europe is precisely that spirit of hard work to make families rich and children well educated.

So, the question is not at all what facilities China wants „to control“ in Europe, but whether Europeans can get back the kind of working spirit that brought Europe to development in the post-industrial society.

The author was a senior editor with People’s Daily, and currently is a senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China. Follow him on Twitter @dinggangchina

Klingt ein bisschen nach Zirkelschluss. Deindustrialisierung infolge des Übergangs zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft als natürlicher, quasi naturgesetzlicher Trend und damit Abnahme des Arbeitswillens im Westen. Sollten die jungen Leute nicht mehr faul rumvegetieren und in die (nicht mehr existierende) Industrie gehen(?) dann würde demzufolge wohl eine Reindustrialisierung erfolgen. Klingt sehr nach Max Webers protestantischer Arbeitsethik, die die Chinesen jetzt gegen den Westen wenden Zudem gehört ja außer Arbeitswillens ja auch solche ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen wie billige Arbeitskräfte, Steuern und sonstiges Investitionsklimadazu. Also schon sehr moralisch und monokausal nach dem Motto: An die Arbeit, ihr faulen Säcke. Schickt die westliche Jugend in die Fabriken oder mal ein gescheites Arbeitslager. Naja, darin hat China Erfahrung. Aber man liest ja auch von einem zunehmenden Wertewandel der chinesischen Jugend und auch eher mehr work-life-balance und stiller Verweigerung gegen den Arbeitsstress und die Famiilenmodelle der früheren Generationen.

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