Hamaskrieg: Keine Zweistaatenlösung- von der Pocket Order zum Netanjahu-Plan: Nachkriegsdeutschland?

Hamaskrieg: Keine Zweistaatenlösung- von der Pocket Order zum Netanjahu-Plan: Nachkriegsdeutschland?

Alle wollen die Zweistaatenlösung, aber Iran, Hisbollah und Hamas als liquidatorischer  Antisemitismus  nicht wie aber eben auch nicht Netanjahu, Nachdem nun die USA und Eisenkoth und Gantz ihn dazu drängten auch mal eine eigen Postwar- Order vorzulegen, hat das Netanjahu jetzt getan , nachdem er sich von der Knesset die Ablehnung jeglicher Zweistaatenlösung it den Stimmen von Lapid und Gantz mit 99 von 120 Stimmen in der Knesset, die nur noch die israelischen Araber und die seit  Rabin völlig dezimierten Mapai/Arbeiterpartei waren. Keiner will eine Zweitstaatenlösung, auch wenn Netanjahu gestürzt  würde. Auch  Lapid und Gantz wollen keine Zweitstaatenlösung ie der Rest der Welt, der Global South oder eben auch die ISA oder de U- mit Ausnahme eben Irans, Hisbollah, Hamas. Die da fein im Hintergrund bleiben als die eigentlichen Ursache, Saboteure und Aggressor sie die Eskalationsspirale, die sie wollten nun mit lauter herzschmerzzerreisenden Zivilistenopfern, die sie zu verantworten haben medial verbreiten, um  Israell und nicht sich  als Völkermörder und Kindermörder dastehen zu lassen. Zumindestens hat die Knesset jetzt gegen eine Zweistaatenlösung  parteiübergreifend gestimmt:

Israel’s Knesset votes against unilateral recognition of Palestinian state

During the plenum debate, shouting ensued, with Ta’al member of Knesset Ahmed Tibi saying, „A Palestinian state will be established Ras Ben Amo [Arabic slang for ‚in spite of his opposition‘]“.



Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seen in the Knesset plenum on February 21, 2024(photo credit: NOAM MOSKOVICH/KNESSET)

An overwhelming majority of the Knesset voted Wednesday against the unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood in affirmation of a government proclamation issued at the start of the week.

“The people of Israel and their elected representatives are united today as never before,” Netanyahu said as he lauded in Hebrew and English the proclamation’s passage with 99 votes out of the 120-member body.

“In a clear message to the international community,” Netanyahu said, “the Knesset voted overwhelming to oppose any attempt to unilaterally impose a Palestinian state on Israel. Such an attempt will only endanger Israel and will prevent the genuine peace that we all seek.


“Peace can only be achieved after we achieve total victory over Hamas and through direct negotiations between the parties without preconditions,” he said.

“I congratulate the members of the Knesset from the coalition and the opposition who voted in favor of my proposal against the establishment of a Palestinian state,” he said.

Officials respond to the vote 

The vote, which is declaratory and does not have practical implications, took place as the Palestinian Authority has renewed its campaign for unilateral statehood recognition and as the International Court of Justice is debating among other issues, the Palestinian right to self-determination.

Opposition leader MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) dismissed the idea that the imposition of unilateral Palestinian statehood was a pending possibility. He also rejected the contention as well as the idea that the vote represented a united Knesset as he accused Netanyahu of holding the vote to distract politicians from the more critical issues at hand.

“We voted for this proclamation because we oppose unilateral steps,” Lapid said, but noted that the vote was superfluous because there was no international attempt to impose a two-state resolution to the conflict on Israel.

“As you and I know, my connections with the American government are better than yours, so I went and checked with them, there is no such thing,” as a threat of unilateral Palestinian statehood.

“You invented it. You invented a threat that doesn’t exist,” charged Lapid.” There is not a single official in the world suggesting unilateral recognition of Palestine. You came up with a spin so they wouldn’t talk about how as the prime minister you are guilty,” Lapid stated.

„All you wanted was for the Knesset not to talk about the fact that you are in charge and that you are to blame [for October 7], and about the conscription law, which is rightly known as the evasion law, and about the budget that you passed,“ he said.

The vote also resolved a political problem for Netanyahu, Lapid stated.

I am glad that you explained in English, relying on the fact that not everyone here knows English, that you are ready to negotiate with the Palestinians. I think that after the Palestinian Authority did not condemn its massacre on October 7, it is not a good idea for the prime minister of Israel to stand here and say that he is ready to negotiate the establishment of a Palestinian state, but if you feel like turning left, turn left,” Lapid stated.

MK Oded Forer (Yisrael Beytenu), whose party opposes Palestinian statehood also accused Netanyahu of holding the vote as a part of a political ploy to confuse his supporters.“This is a ploy. Netanyahu is opposed to unilateral Palestinian statehood, but simultaneously he has promised the Saudis that within the framework of an agreement with them, he will agree to the creation of a Palestinian state.

“We in Yisrael Beytenu oppose Palestinian statehood in any form, two-sided or unilaterally,” said Forer, whose party is in the opposition.To those in the coalition, Forer warned that it would be best to sleep “with your shoes on and your eyes open, so that you don’t wake up one day and find that you are part of a government and a coalition that is establishing a Palestinian state.”Labor’s four Knesset members decided not to participate in the vote. Party chairwoman MK Merav Michaeli explained the decision by claiming that the vote was a “circus.”“There are currently 134 citizens in Hamas captivity in Gaza, 134 for whom Netanyahu is doing everything to ensure that we do not pay attention that he is not bringing them back,” Michaeli said.The nine votes opposing the resolution came from the Knesset’s two Arab parties.MK Waleed Taha (Ra’am) said that Palestinian statehood wasn’t something the government was gifting the Palestinians but rather an essential Israeli interest and a fundamental Palestinian right.Without Palestinian statehood, there would either be a binational or an apartheid state, he said.MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash-Ta’al) called on the international community and Israel to recognize Palestinian statehood.This is a people who have fought for 100 years against “colonialism” and “apartheid” without ever once raising a white flag.The whole world is talking about Palestinian statehood, but this is how Netanyahu is ending his career, by opposing it, Odeh said.During the plenum debate, shouting ensued, with Ta’al member Ahmed Tibi saying, “A Palestinian state will be established Ras Ben Amo [Arabic slang for in ‘spite of his opposition’].” In response, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said, “Go to Syria. Terrorist.”

Eliav Breuer contributed to the report. 

Israel’s Knesset votes against Palestinian state in large majority – Israel News – The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

Zuvor gab es auch noch einen ersten Planentwurf, der ber zugunsten des Netanjahu-Plan und Abstimmung in der Knesset noch Vergangrnheit zu sein scheint:

“Who will run Gaza after Hamas?

“Israel pilots plan for ‚Palestinian-run pockets‘

Hamas said the plan would amount to an Israeli reoccupation of Gaza and was doomed to failure.

By REUTERSFEBRUARY 22, 2024 13:33Updated: FEBRUARY 22, 2024 14:204

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seen in the Knesset plenum on February 21, 2024 (photo credit: NOAM MOSKOVICH/KNESSET)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seen in the Knesset plenum on February 21, 2024(photo credit: NOAM MOSKOVICH/KNESSET)

Israel is seeking Palestinians who are not affiliated with Hamas to manage civilian affairs in areas of the Gaza Strip designed as testing grounds for post-war administration of the enclave, a senior Israeli official said on Thursday.

But Hamas said the plan, which the Israeli official said would also exclude anybody on the payroll of the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority, would amount to an Israeli reoccupation of Gaza and was doomed to failure.

Israel to pilot ‚humanitarian pockets‘ in Gaza

The Israeli official said the planned „humanitarian pockets“ would be in districts of the Gaza Strip from which Hamas has been expelled, but that their ultimate success would hinge on Israel achieving its goal of destroying the Islamist faction across the tiny coastal territory that it has been governing.

„We’re looking for the right people to step up to the plate,“ the official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. „But it is clear that this will take time, as no one will come forward if they think Hamas will put a bullet in their head.“

The plan, the official added, „may be achieved once Hamas is destroyed and doesn’t pose a threat to Israel or to Gazans.“

Israel’s top-rated Channel 12 TV reported that the Zeitoun neighborhood of northern Gaza City was a candidate for implementation of the plan, under which local merchants and civil society leaders would distribute humanitarian aid.

The Israeli military would provide peripheral security in Zeitoun, Channel 12 said, describing renewed troop incursions there this week as designed to root out remnants of a Hamas garrison that was hit hard in the early stages of the war.

Asked about the Israeli official’s comments and the Channel 12 report, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said such a plan would be tantamount to Israel reoccupying Gaza, from which it withdrew troops and settlers in 2005. Israel says it will have indefinite security control over Gaza after the war, but denies this would be a reoccupation.

„We are confident this project is pointless and is a sign of confusion and it will never succeed,“ Abu Zuhri told Reuters.

Palestinian Authority barred as a partner in Gaza

The Israeli official also made clear the Palestinian Authority (PA), which exercises limited self-rule in the West Bank, would be barred as a partner in the „humanitarian pockets“ on account of its failure to condemn the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

„Anyone who took part in, or even failed to condemn, October 7 is ruled out,“ the official said.

The United States has called for a „revitalized“ PA to govern Gaza after the war. But Israel has been cool to the idea, noting that the PA provides payouts to jailed militants.

Still, the official said, Israel would be willing to consider „humanitarian pocket“ partners with past links to the PA’s dominant Fatah faction, a more secular rival to Hamas.

Die USA wollten die eine erneuerte PA als Verwalter des Gazas  Israel lehnt das ab, da diese das Massaker nicht verurteilt habe und Militante auf ihrer Lohnliste habe .Jetzt soll es humanitäre palästinensische-betriebene  Pockets, geben, aber wer soll die dann verwalten? Gibt es da solche „Unschuldslämmer“?

Auch Eisenkoth und Gantz forderten eine Nachkriegspersektive wie auch schon die USA zuvor, die nun Netanjahu mit einem eigenen Plan einzulösen scheint der natürlich dann auch keine Zweistaatenlösnng will;

„Kritik an Netanjahus Vision für den Gazastreifen

Lange hat Netanjahu es vermieden, über die Nachkriegsordnung für den Gazastreifen zu sprechen. Jetzt legte er in der Regierung ein Diskussionspapier vor. Von einer Zweistaatenlösung ist darin keine Rede.

Die Planung für den „Tag danach“ im Gazastreifen beginne erst „am Tag danach“ – also erst dann, wenn die Hamas besiegt sei. Diese Botschaft hatte Israels Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu bislang ausgesendet. Damit brachte er nicht nur westliche Partner gegen sich auf, sondern sorgte auch in Israel für Irritation. Kritiker legten ihm das als Versuch aus, unliebsame Entscheidungen zu vertagen. Jetzt hat Netanjahu einen Plan vorgelegt – er sieht wenig Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten für die Palästinenser vor und widerspricht der Vision, die etwa die Vereinigten Staaten propagieren

Am Donnerstagabend präsentierte der Ministerpräsident dem Sicherheitskabinett seine kurz-, mittel- und langfristigen Ideen. Die unmittelbaren Kriegsziele sind demnach unverändert: Zerschlagung der Hamas und anderer militanter Gruppen im Gazastreifen, Rückkehr der Geiseln und Sicherheit für die Grenzregion. Die mittelfristigen Ziele sind vor allem sicherheitspolitischer Natur. Laut dem Dokument, aus dem mehrere Medien zitieren, behält Israel sich nach dem Krieg die uneingeschränkte militärische Operationsfreiheit in allen Gebieten westlich des Jordans vor, also auch im Gazastreifen und dem Westjordanland.


General a. D Domroese kommentierte noch:

„Es ähnelt der Vision der Alliierten von damals über die Zukunft Deutschlands….

Ich staune, dass USA sich an der Nase herum führen lassen.“

Interessant auch, dass Großmaul Trump da so kleinlaut und still im Hamaskrieg ist, während er in Sachen Ukraine, Europa und NATO den großen Maxe gibt. Nachdem er mal Netanjahu als Looser bezeichnet hatte, kam da nichts mehr. Weder sein toller Trump-Plan, noch zum Krieg, noch zum Iran oder Houthi- Angriffen auf amerikanische Schiffe  und solche Sprüche, dass er den Krieg in 24 Stunden beenden könne, kamen auch nicht. Er scheint darauf zu hoffen wie die Chinesen, dass Biden sich und die USA da selbst zerlegt durch seine pro-palästinische woken Progressives  geschwächt wird und er den Durchmarsch bei den Wahlen macht und sich da nichts allerseitig verscherzen will, sondern sich abwartend wie die Chinesen als lachender Dritter Gewinn daraus zieht, Aber dann muss er trotzdem wieder zeigen ,was er mit Israel , Iran und dem Greater Middle East machen will, wenn er doch eigentlich den Asian Pivot gegen Xi- China mobilisieren zum Extrem  will , um einen Trump- X Deal zu erreichen. Aber noch ist Biden und sollte der nochmals gewählt werden, Trump das nicht akzeptieren du de USA in Paralyse und Chaos stürzen wollen, wird dies von China ausgenutzt und bevor Trump seine Führerdiktatur errichten könnte, dann eben auch kein Trump Xi-Deal zustande kommen oder nur unter Xis Bedingungen und Putin wird das Machtvakuum dann erst recht nützen., um überhaupt seinen Rückfall zur Regionalmacht zwischen den beiden kompensieren zu wollen.

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