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Month: Dezember 2021

After the Biden-Putin meeting: Will SWIFT deter Russia from invading Ukraine?

After the Biden-Putin meeting: Will SWIFT deter Russia from invading Ukraine?

Presidents Joseph Biden of the United States and Vladimir Putin of Russia have agreed, in their December 7 video-dialogue, to create working groups that would address Russia’s concerns regarding Ukraine’s place in the European security order. Those concerns directly relate to Ukraine’s choice of a Western orientation and its relationship with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the United States. Just seeing Putin on an equal footing and on the par with the USA and having an bilateral official…

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Not only Christmas thoughts: Can a consumer shock from China bring a European Renaissance and Enlightment?

Not only Christmas thoughts: Can a consumer shock from China bring a European Renaissance and Enlightment?

Sometimes I ask myself whether such a medium-sized consumption shock in the event of a trade-policy dispute with China doesn’t even contain this stupid hedonistic consumerism and makes people think about what you do with your time and money, especially with themselve, the people that surrounds them personally, locally, nationally and globally, as well as nature, which is not digital, when the Nintendo console and the Christmas business from China are missing or other entertainment and leisure electronics or the…

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Nicht nur ein paar Weihnachtsgedanken: Kann ein Konsumerschock aus China eine Renaissance und Aufklärung Europas bringen?

Nicht nur ein paar Weihnachtsgedanken: Kann ein Konsumerschock aus China eine Renaissance und Aufklärung Europas bringen?

Manchmal frage ich mich,ob so ein mittelgrosser Konsumschock im Falle einer handelspolitischen Auseinandersetzung mit China nicht mal diesen dämlichen hedonistischen Konsumismus eindämmt,die Menschen mal darüber zum nachdenken bringt,was man mit seiner Zeit und seinem Geld , vor allem mit sich selbst, den Menschen, den ihn persönlich, lokal, national und global umgeben nebst der Natur, die keine digitale ist, anstellt,wenn mal die Nintendokonsole und das Weihnachtsgeschäft aus China ausbleibt oder sonstige Unterhaltungs- und Freizeittelektronik oder die neuesten Fast Fashionartikel und anderer…

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The Defense Department’s Role in Addressing Extra-Hemispheric State Rivals in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Defense Department’s Role in Addressing Extra-Hemispheric State Rivals in Latin America and the Caribbean

Author: Dr. Evan Ellis This work examines the role of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) in responding to the challenge of extra-hemispheric actors in Latin America and the Caribbean. It argues that the U.S. military must go beyond committing additional resources and improving capabilities. It must also develop new strategic concepts for the role of DoD as part of an internationally coordinated, whole-of-government effort against such rivals in the hemisphere. It argues that the national level strategy should be…

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The Future of the EU: One-block or Two-block EU

The Future of the EU: One-block or Two-block EU

Author: Ambassador Dr. Jožef Kunič● Member of the IFIMES International Institute● Honorary President of the Slovenian Association for International Relations         (SDMO)● Former Slovenian ambassador to Iran and France The movement toward unification of Europe was undoubtedly a major event in the world history of twenty century, appealing to a free and united Europe through a link between States renouncing to their absolute sovereignty. After the Treaty of Rome (1957), when the common market was achieved, single market…

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Nicaragua’s Flip to China: What Does It Mean for the Region?

Nicaragua’s Flip to China: What Does It Mean for the Region?

Author: Dr. Evan Ellis Nicaragua’s diplomatic flip from Taiwan to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), announced on December 9, was almost inevitable, but it will accelerate a worrisome trend in parts of the Western Hemisphere closest to the U.S. to a China-funded form of authoritarian populism. That growing threat, in a part of the hemisphere once considered politically allied or at least compliant with the U.S., will also include secondary risks from an expanded presence by other U.S. rivals…

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AUKUS: die westliche Allianz in der östlichen Welt

AUKUS: die westliche Allianz in der östlichen Welt

Autor: Dr. Anne-Marie Schleich Australien, Großbritannien und die USA schlossen sich zu einer neuen militärischen Allianz zusammen, die vor allem auf den pazifischen Raum ausstrahlen soll. Was ist die Absicht dahinter und was sagen asiatische Staaten dazu? Die Autorin Anne-Marie Schleich war Generalkonsulin in Australien und spaeter deutsche Botschafterin in Neuseeland, mit Zuständigkeit für sieben weitere Pazifiknationen. AUKUS signalisiert eine Verschiebung des strategischen Machtgleichgewichts in Asien. Der trilaterale Pakt wird den militärischen Informations- und Technologieaustausch zwischen den drei Ländern intensivieren….

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US-Israel-Egypt led Arab Gas Pipeline for Lebanon: Will Syria be back in the Arab League soon?

US-Israel-Egypt led Arab Gas Pipeline for Lebanon: Will Syria be back in the Arab League soon?

Gastrointestinal poisoning due to interrupted cold chains, hospitals fearful of patients with oxygen devices, and bills for private generators that are higher than the cold rent: electricity is scarce in Lebanon, in in some areas it is only available for two hours a day. Natural gas, which flows from Egypt via Jordan and Syria to the Lebanese city of Tripoli, is now supposed to help. The plan coordinated by the USA to use the so-called Arab gas pipeline again is…

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Olympia boycott-who is scared by the angry yellow man ?

Olympia boycott-who is scared by the angry yellow man ?

Shortly before his Summit of Democracies, US President Joe Biden announced a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics. Beijing is angry – again. Is China’s anger increasingly not scaring other countries?  So now it has happened. US President Joe Biden has announced a diplomatic boycott * of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Athletes are allowed to travel to the games in February 2022, but government officials are not. New Zealand and Australia also joined this boycott. In the EU there is…

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“Human rights are non-negotiable”-often they are in the interest of the Green New Deal and the energy transistion- Burundi as a case study

“Human rights are non-negotiable”-often they are in the interest of the Green New Deal and the energy transistion- Burundi as a case study

According to the new German Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock the doctrine “Human rights are non-negotiable” should apply to Germa and Western foreign policy. That this is a well-intentioned, idealistic slogan, it is perhaps also clear to her, that this is difficult to achieve, but she sets standards very high and it remains to be seen how far she will have to switch to interest and real politics in the course of the process. A good example of how negotiable…

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Get out of the escalation spiral! For a new beginning in the relation with Russia (December 5th, 2021) – Appeal from former German generals and ambassadors

Get out of the escalation spiral! For a new beginning in the relation with Russia (December 5th, 2021) – Appeal from former German generals and ambassadors

Get out of the escalation spiral! For a new beginning in the relation with Russia (December 5th, 2021)  It is with the greatest concern that we are observing the escalation in the relation with Russia, which is once again intensifying. We are threatened with a situation in which war is possible. Nobody can benefit from this situation, and it is neither in our nor in Russia’s interest. We must therefore do everything now to break the spiral of escalation. The…

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Raus aus der Eskalationsspirale! Für einen Neuanfang im Verhältnis zu Russland (5.12.2021)- Aufruf ehemaliger deutscher Generäle und Botschafter

Raus aus der Eskalationsspirale! Für einen Neuanfang im Verhältnis zu Russland (5.12.2021)- Aufruf ehemaliger deutscher Generäle und Botschafter

Raus aus der Eskalationsspirale! Für einen Neuanfang im Verhältnis zu Russland (5.12.2021) Mit allergrößter Sorge beobachten wir die sich abermals verstärkende Eskalation im Verhältnis zu Russland. Wir drohen in eine Lage zu geraten, in der ein Krieg in den Bereich des Möglichen rückt. Von dieser Lage kann niemand profitieren, und dies liegt weder in unserem noch im russischen Interesse. Es gilt deshalb jetzt alles zu tun, um die Eskalationsspirale zu durchbrechen. Ziel muss es sein, Russland und auch die NATO…

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Putin’s flexible red lines, NATO security guarantees and a new European security architecture

Putin’s flexible red lines, NATO security guarantees and a new European security architecture

Recommendable article in the FAZ on the so-called “red lines” of Putin, which seem to be shifted a bit as needed and seem to be flexible. https://m.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/putin-testet-biden-angst-vor-invasion-in-der-ukraine-17668488.html The fact that even Brzezinski said in his book „Chessboard“ that Russia sees NATO and EU membership for Ukraine differently from, say, other Eastern European countries, is ignored. The Maidan revolt is also not mentioned. Putin therefore apparently wants contractual security guarantees from NATO, including spheres of influence. Interesting that the FAZ reported…

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Putins flexible rote Linien, NATO-Sicherheitsgarantien und eine neue europäische Sicherheitsarchitektur

Putins flexible rote Linien, NATO-Sicherheitsgarantien und eine neue europäische Sicherheitsarchitektur

Empfehlenswerter Artikel in der FAZ zu den sogenannten „roten Linien“ Putins,die doch scheinbar nach Bedarf etwas verschoben werden und scheinbar flexibel scheinen. https://m.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/putin-testet-biden-angst-vor-invasion-in-der-ukraine-17668488.html Dass selbst Brzezinski in seinem Buch „Chessboard“ meinte, dass Russland eine NATO- und EU-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine anders sehe, als etwa die anderer osteuropäischer Länder, wird dabei unterschlagen. Auch die Maidanrevolte wird nicht erwähnt. Putin will also scheinbar vertragliche Sicherheitsgarantien der NATO samt Einflusssphären. Interessant, dass die FAZ von einem konkreten russischen Vertragsentwurf für eine europäische Sicherheitsarchitektur an…

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New German Green Foreign Policy: more value-based and European foreign climate policy

New German Green Foreign Policy: more value-based and European foreign climate policy

Under Angela Merkel, German European policy was mainly made in the Chancellery and was determined by rather cautious maneuvering. According to the will of the Greens, a different wind will blow in Brussels from next week when the traffic light coalition comes into office. Conflicts with the Chancellor’s party SPD are inevitable. The German Greens in the EU Parliament can hardly hold back with their own enthusiasm. According to MEP Terry Reintke, the traffic light agreements on European policy are…

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US-China Competition:Nature, Sources and Prospects

US-China Competition:Nature, Sources and Prospects

Author: Bilahari Kausikan (East Asia Institute/EAI) US-China competition is now in a new phase. After China and the United States reestablishedcontact after the communist victory in 1949, periodic disagreements and tense episodesoccurred, particularly over Taiwan and human rights issues, but the overall emphasis wason engagement until around 2010. Even the Tiananmen crackdown in 1989 did not permanently derailengagement. Today, the emphasis has reversed: engagement will not entirely cease, but competitionnow dominates. Competition will wax and wane at different times and…

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Peng Shuai, Metoo, feminist foreign policy, the Chinese birthrate and the Olympic spirit

Peng Shuai, Metoo, feminist foreign policy, the Chinese birthrate and the Olympic spirit

In the context of the Sino-American conflict, Chinese threats against Taiwan and the deployment of troops by the Chinese ally Russia on the border with Ukraine, which also affects the rest of the world, Europe and Germany, and in the run-up to Biden’s Summit of Democracies and the Winter Olympics in China in 2022 , the case of the Chinese Wimbeldon tennis star Peng Shuai, who was allegedly sexually harassed by a high CCP cadre, is stirring people’s minds. After…

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Peng Shuai, Metoo, feministische Aussenpolitik , die chinesische Geburtenrate und der Olympische Geist

Peng Shuai, Metoo, feministische Aussenpolitik , die chinesische Geburtenrate und der Olympische Geist

Im zeitlichen Umfeld des sino-amerikanischen Konflikts, chinesischer Drohungen gegenüber Taiwan und Truppenaufmarsch des chinesischen Verbündeten Russlands an der Grenze der Ukraine, der auch auf  die sonstige Welt, Europa und Deutschland wirkt und im Vorfeld von Bidens Gipfel der Demokratien und der Winterolympiade in China 2022, erregt nu nder Fall der angeblich von einem hohen KP Kader sexuell belästigten chinesischen Wimbeldontennisspielerin Peng Shuai die Gemüter. Nachdem sie twitterte, dass sie mit Zhang Gaoli, dem ehemaligen Vizepräsidenten in jungen Jahren eine gewollte…

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Im Vorfeld von Bidens Gipfel der Demokratien: Neototalitäre Demokratie Chinas für den Rest der Welt

Im Vorfeld von Bidens Gipfel der Demokratien: Neototalitäre Demokratie Chinas für den Rest der Welt

Jetzt wird es lustig:China hat im Vorfeld von Biden’s Summit of Democracies“ein Weissbuch“Chinas Demokratie“herausgegeben und bezeichnet sich nun als wahre Demokratie und widmet der Kampfschrift 中国的民主 in der Global Times nun gleich drei Artikel und Chefredakteur Frisbee-Hu ergreift selbst die Feder. Das Definitionsmonopol von Demokratie durch die USA soll infrage gestellt werden.In früheren Jahren hatte die KP China ja auch ihre eigenen Menschenrechtsberichte über dieUSA herausgegeben,wobei dort vor allem Rassendiskrimnierung,das Gefängnissystem, soziale Ungerechtigkeit und Schusswaffenkriminalität angeprangert wurden.Davon scheint man aber…

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In the run up to Biden´s Summit of Democracies: Neototalitarian China´s democracy for the rest of the world

In the run up to Biden´s Summit of Democracies: Neototalitarian China´s democracy for the rest of the world

Now it’s getting funny: In the run-up to Biden’s Summit of Democracies, China has published a white paper „China’s Democracy“ and is now calling itself a true people´s democracy and is devoting four articles to the campaign 中国 的 民主 in the Global Times and editor-in-chief Frisbee-Hu personally has taken up the pen. The US monopoly on defining democracy is called into question. In previous years, the CCP had published its own human rights reports on the US, where it…

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